Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Why not LIVE?

I was never the person who thought that bad things couldn't happen to me. Much the opposite, actually. There are times when I worry that I might lose my health, my family or friends, etc. But on the opposite side of that I also believe that wonderful things can happen to me. Hey, I could win the lottery(if I ever played). Why NOT me?
This theme resonates in to my daily life. And I am very glad because it gives every day as sense of worth. I hear people complain all day that they "have to" work out. They "have to" eat well. They "have to" do all these things that make it sound like their life is really just one big chore. I won't be that person. I make an effort every day to not be that person and here is why...
I know many people who can not physically do what I do every day. Jeff's dad had ALS and I am willing to bet he would have given anything to be able to walk to the mailbox. I have friends and family who have or have had cancer. They are fighting for their lives. They are working on surviving while we complain about not getting to eat another slice of pie. My mom loved to run and she sustained an injury that will no longer allow her to feel that feeling of total peace and freedom that running brings. Of course, there are so many more. You know these people. They are friends and family and neighbors and co-workers.
You get to live once and you have a new opportunity every single day to make it count. Don't waste it. If today was your last day, would you be proud of who you were? If you are able to get up and swim, bike, run, don't have to...but why wouldn't you?? Why NOT live a little!

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