Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Who made dinner? I thought it was YOUR turn!

Okay, so being a mom is hard.  And it's not.  It's like a Cycle class.  Parts of it you're really struggling, but then at the end you're just all joyous and loving life.  It's like that.  And it's also like having a perpetual puppy.  You are always on.  I am all about efficiency in life, and that hasn't changed since becoming a mom.  I still want to do the best, but I need it done quickly.  But I'm also not willing to cut corners.  So, what do you do when you have, like, 4 and 1/2 minutes to make dinner.  You make these recipes.  Don't worry.  I've tested them on the masses(Jeff, my mom, Easton on occasion) so they are pretty much tried-and-true. 

Rosemary Chicken and Red Potatoes

 2.5 lbs Chicken Breast
2 tbsp Olive Oil
1 tbsp Garlic
Salt or alternate seasoning
1 tbsp Paprika
1 tsp Pepper
3-4 Red Potatoes

Heat oven to 425
Mix all ingredients in a large bowl.  Toss chicken and potatoes to coat.  Place in a glass cooking dish, separating potatoes in one and chicken in another.  The potatoes go in first and cook for 15 mn.  Then, add chicken and cook for another 35 mn, or until potatoes are soft and chicken is cooked thoroughly.

This is a delicious dinner, super easy and saves well if you have leftovers.  You can also pair it with rice, add to a salad or pasta.  You can play with the seasonings to your personal taste.  I LOVE garlic and paprika so I add more.

One Pot Chicken Fiesta

2.5 pounds chicken, or however much you want to make!
2 tbsp Olive Oil
1 can black beans
1 can corn
1 can tomatoes
Red or green pepper diced
Zucchini diced
Taco seasoning or cumin
Other seasonings you like: salt, pepper, red pepper, etc
Red onion

On medium heat, heat oil and saute onions and peppers for a few minutes.  Add garlic for another minute or so.

Add diced chicken.  Cook until chicken is almost done.  Add seasonings to taste.

Add in tomatoes, beans, corn, zucchini and cilantro.  Cover and simmer for about 10 minutes, or until chicken is cooked thoroughly and everything is warm.

This is so easy, delicious and you can't mess it up!  Plus, it's all made in one pot 'cause ain't nobody got time for dishes;) You can serve in a tortilla, pita, on rice, or just eat it as is.  We generally eat this several different ways over a week and we never get tired of it!

I just had to share!  I'm making the Rosemary Chicken tonight and I'm getting hungry thinking about it.  Life is hectic and sometimes cooking is the last thing you want to do at the end of the day.  Add in a new baby, training, working, etc and you have lots of excuses to not eat right.  But I think having a few stand-by recipes that are easy, nutritious and delicious really helps out!  I don't know about you, but I always feel better when I'm eating well.  Have a great day and let me know how you like these recipes!

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