Thursday, February 6, 2014

Too fat, too thin?

I generally don't comment on things that don't really pertain to me, like what Angelina and Brad are doing or what some reality star may or may not have had done on her boobs, butt or face.  I generally just don't care.  It's not my journey, and it doesn't affect me.  My comments, opinions or blogs on these things don't really need to be public knowledge.  But after all the hoopla about the most recent Biggest Loser, I have some things to say.  And you may or may not agree, but here's my thought on it...

When the contestants on Biggest Loser come on the show, we as the public sit at home and we root for them.  We hear their stories, pick our favorites and cheer for them as they complete challenges that even the most accomplished athlete might struggle with.  We are their cheerleaders and we support them.  Not ONCE have I ever sat at the TV and said, "OMG, look at how FAT that person is.  They are TOO fat."  I don't do that.  You probably don't either.  For one, that is taboo to comment on how fat someone is.  And secondly, they are making changes to better themselves, not just by losing weight, but by changing their lifestyle.  We applaud them.

And then, a few nights ago, Rachel weighed in at 105 pounds and people were blown away.  The next day, everyone had an opinion on her weight.  And no one kept it to themselves.  They posted their opinion on Facebook, Bob and Jillian clapped while their mouths hung open.  There was so much judgement.  And what did Rachel have to say?  She said she felt "alive" and better than ever.  And she had also just WON a large amount of money.  But it wasn't okay with most people.  Because they had already decided what was an appropriate amount of weight to lose.  How the person should look, not taking in to account that it's not about that solely.

I'm not going to make this long.  I just want to say that if Rachel is happy, healthy and moving forward on her journey, then who are we to judge that?  Commenting on someone's weight, whether you feel they are too fat or too thin, is really not your place.  I find it extremely maddening that we as a society feel free to comment when we feel someone is too thin, but dare not say a word if we feel someone is too fat.  Really, it's not up for discussion, in my opinion.  Judging is judging.

I spent a portion of my life very thin.  Too thin, according to a lot of people.  And I struggled with it every day.  Things didn't fit right, and I couldn't manage to gain weight.  And everyone had an opinion that they were always more than willing to share with me.  People said I looked too thin, sinewy, sick, skinny, not feminine.  And it hurt.  As much as I can imagine it would hurt to be called too fat.  I can't imagine how Rachel must feel knowing that there are so many people out there disapproving of her accomplishment.

That's it.  My two cents.  I believe that as a society we should support one another, without judgement.  Everyone's journey is unique, and completely their own.  So let's spread the love, not the judgement.

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