Sunday, September 30, 2012

A triathlete is...

Just admit it.  You have stereotyped someone.  Maybe you have even stereotyped me.  I'm okay with that.  I just hope you got it right.

When I first started doing triathlons, I did not consider myself a triathlete.  Because, of course, you have to understand, I could not live up to what I believed a triathlete to be.  Let me paint you a picture of what I believed a triathlete to be.  It's possible you share my outlook...

A triathlete is very type "A."  They are an over-achiever, and won't settle for anything less than perfection.  A triathlete wakes up at 3:30am, has a very strong cup of espresso(imported from some foreign country of course) and grabs a banana, while also juggling the act of packing a swim bag and shaving.  They drive to their local pool and jump in to 55 degree water in a speedo and swim for about 3 hours.  All while looking intense.  After that "easy" swim they drive to their corporate job and do fancy executive things for 8 hours.  Think: lots of phone calls on a bluetooth, work lunches, and technical terms, luxury cars.  After work, they go for a 4 hour bike ride on a very intimidating, yet aerodynamic triathlon bike.  Again, remember, they look intense the whole time, and they never have fun.  What is a smile?  They eat a well-balanced dinner of lean meat, whole grains and veggies.  No alcohol, no sweets, no gluten, no sugar, no lactose, no fun.  When race day comes, the typical triathlete puts on their fiercest scowl and intense look and shows up early to set up their transition area.  They look only at their friends with equally intimidating and fierce looks.  If you don't wear the same kit as them, don't even bother to look in their direction.  You are not part of the pack.  Don't ask questions.  Don't talk.  And don't you DARE have any fun out their on the course.  Triathletes are there to win.  And be aero.  And fierce.  But never friendly.  Go get your medal.  You better be on the podium.  And then I became a triathlete.  And this is what I learned...

A triathlete can be all of the things above.  And to tell you the truth, I can fit in to the stereotype of many of those things.  But above all of those things, a triathlete is just a human who wants to push their limits and they want to LIVE.  They want to go through this "process" of triathlon and learn new things about themselves.  They want to work hard, train hard, and have fun.  On race day, they want to set a new record, not to prove that they are better than anyone, but to prove that they have bettered themselves.  A triathlete laughs, and most of them have pretty awesome personalities.  Some of my funniest conversations have been with triathletes.  A triathlete is a loving mom, whose first priority is her children, but this might be her outlet.  A triathlete is a poor college student who is looking to have some fun in the midst of all of the studying.  A triathlete drinks occasionally.  They have cookies, or 5.  They go out and have fun.  They eat poorly at times.  A triathlete could be your mom, sister, boss, friend.  But above all of it, a triathlete is just human.  Just like you.  And me.  And, hey, I'm not really all that bad.  Right?

1 comment:

  1. Definitely intimidating. Wishing I had drive like you do. It is very impressive and I am very proud of you.
